Monday 19 March 2012

Mirin Marinated Mackerel

Serves 2-4

1 Mackerel (2-3 lbs), split as with fillets but with head on
1 cup mirin
1 tbsp red miso
2 drops hickory smoke optional
1 tsp sea salt

Mix all of the ingredients together and blend them well.  It's probably best to mash the miso up with a bit of mirin first, to avoid clumps that will take a lot of whisking or dirtying your blender to incorporate.  Splay your mackerel out, skin side down, and slop the marinade all over the top of it.

Refrigerate for minimum 1 hour.

Barbecue on a high heat, skin side down.  Mackerel is an oily fish, so you should get a way with it not sticking to the grill, if it's hot enough.

Enjoy mackerel, it's a sustainable fish.

Bones  Mackerel are easy to debone, other than the main skeleton, there will be bones around the fins and jutting out from the bottom part of the flesh nearest to the collar.  Otherwise, they have pin bones on the head half of each fillet, right in the center.  Find the pin bones with the edge of a knife and make an incision on either side of them, being sure to keep the knife close to them, to damage the surrounding flesh as little as possible.  

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